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What people are saying about Barbara & Dynamic Healing

"The hospital discharged me after investigation for a suspected ulcer revealed nothing. I’d been through months of investigation for crippling stomach pain. I couldn’t believe that 4 months of pain melted away after just one session of Dynamic Healing."

Shirley Lundy. UK



"I met Barbara through a recommendation and I was pleased I did. When we met I had spent 6 months out of work due to terrible agonising pain. As a 56 year old man from the North East of England my normal approach to pain relief would have always been to take strong pain medication and I spent 12 months doing just that. When I realised that there was no solutions to the terrible pain I was in I started to look at other options. 


After just one session I felt relief for the first time in almost one year and managed to have my first night of unbroken sleep for as long as I could remember. The pain relief lasted almost a month and I returned for a second session. 6 weeks later I returned to work.


Barbara and her approach absolutely made a massive difference to the quality of my life and I would recommend her to anyone who is plagued with any chronic condition. I truly believe it is the only effective approach."

I Madgwick, Mallorca



“Dear Barbara, this is just to say thank you for being such an incredibly intuitive, compassionate and generous helper on my journey towards healing. You work in a beautifully down to earth and deeply connected way, sensing what suggestions and guidance and tools might be needed at each moment, in order for the body to rediscover its own 'knowing' and so take the steps to wellness. What you offer is not about simply eradicating symptoms, but about understanding why they have shown up and learning to trust that if we ask the right questions, the body will find its own answers.... thank you for this reminder.... this is what true healing means for me”.

Caroline Rose, UK

"I was reluctant to try any "alternative" therapies at first as I had always been sceptical of their effectiveness but decided to try Barbara's system due to her scientific background. I felt confident that she would have an objective and solution orientated approach and I am delighted to say I was right.


I was completely amazed at both the results and the procedures that gained the results. I managed to see huge changes in life long problems after just one session. I only needed to return one more time for a "top-up" and 18 months later I am still free from all debilitating symptoms that had previously plagued me for a long time.


I have recommended Barbara to many friends and will continue to do so. We have all had some truly dramatic recoveries in very short spaces of time.


Barbara's approach is one of great sympathy and empathy. She is solution orientated and her intention is to get you well, quickly and thoroughly. She treats you with great respect and understanding. 


I am not a convert to other forms of alternative therapies, but I am a complete convert to the dynamic healing approach that Barbara has created."

K.M, Mallorca

"I have my life back and I feel my family have me back as well!! Strong words but as a person whose problems were deep rooted and certainly life debilitating they are genuine, having sought conventional medical solutions for nearly four years with no success I stumbled across Barbara’s leaflet. I admit to approaching the whole scenario with a fair degree of scepticism but felt I had nothing to lose!! Well how wrong could I be?

Barbara’s whole approach puts you totally at ease and literally from the first treatment session I felt better, and for once could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Barbara has treated me for several complaints and has managed to treat every one with absolute success and totally transformed me and given me my life back.

As a sceptic I have been gladly proved wrong and I would shout from the hilltops for anyone that may be considering Barbara’s course of treatment but has reservations to PLEASE PLEASE give it a try you owe it to yourself and your family to be well."

Michael Mitchell. Mallorca


“I have spent too much time worrying, over thinking and being too sensitive - it is exhausting!  After 2 sessions with Barbara I felt like a new woman. A weight lifted off my shoulders, feeling freer and more alive. I am still feeling the effects now, nothing seems to be holding me back, and everything feels right. I am managing my time better and feel content, which I think is the ultimate compliment.” 


Angela Barton. UK



“After months of unsettledness and difficult problems to solve, I had not realised how exhausted and stressed I had become just coping with what seemed 'everyday'.  After just one hour's one to one session I felt alive again, with an overwhelming sense of peace and happiness I had not realised I was missing! Barbara's skill at directing you straight to the core of your real issues is an undoubted talent. ”


Rebekah Kirby, UK



"I saw Barbara for advice after I had been in hospital on painkillers and strict diet for two weeks because of an inflamed gallbladder with large gallstones.  My surgeon advised me to stay on the no fat, no dairy products diet, for 3 months following which he would operate to remove my gallbladder. 

I did stay on the diet but also had one consultation with Barbara when she gave me very good advice and also tested me and found that a flower remedy and an extract of dandelion should help me.  I took these as prescribed and after 3 months a CAT scan showed that all inflammation had gone and the stone was very much reduced in size.  

I had checked with my surgeon before starting the treatment and he was happy for me to take the remedies. He was however amazed at the result and decided that no operation was necessary.  Over the past 18 months I have returned to a normal (but fairly low fat) diet and have had no further problems.  I am very grateful to Barbara for her advice on many matters."

Valerie M Hendry. Mallorca

"In April 2008 I was diagnosed with Waldenström’s Disease, a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I was given chemotherapy treatment, during which I followed your advice, helping my body to accept the chemotherapy rather than fight it, as it was there to help me. I’m sure it was as a result of this that I didn’t have any sickness or diarrhoea and I kept my hair (the doctor had warned me that it might fall out).

After this I came to you for help in clearing out the emotional problems which I was sure had contributed to the manifestation of the disease. You also gave me some advice on diet, some homeopathic and flower remedies, and some affirmations, which I say every day. I am now feeling back to normal and the doctor is extremely pleased with my progress, if perhaps a little surprised by it. Thank you very much."

Joan Collins, Mallorca

"I have felt real transformation. I have slept every night which is something that I can't remember when since probably I was at school. I have been unbelievably calm, even back at work, where I have been very busy since I got back and now am bobbing on a sail boat in Kos for the next week to re-balance those efforts. My wife is amazed in the shift too. Maybe I'm having some me time for once.


I am ever so grateful for what you have done for me and I need to keep that focus and watch the diet too. Physically, my body is coming with me now and is on the mend.

Yours gratefully for ever."


Clifford. W. UK

"I sought help with you because my daughter had been suffering from migraines at school for nearly a year. I had tried many other therapies- conventional and complementary, without results. Your treatment was very gentle and effective and exceeded my expectations by clearing the migraines after just two treatments. I am delighted to say that my daughter is still migraine-free 18 months later."

Alison Bell. UK

"I started going to Barbara for treatment a couple of years ago after she saw me sweating profusely due to the menopause. She said she could help me and I jumped at the idea. Well, it worked, and after one treatment and with some help from her homeopathic remedies the hot flushes disappeared. It was great!

In April 2009 my doctor sent me for a blood test for cholesterol. When the result came back I was horrified to see that my ‘bad cholesterol’ count was ‘way off the chart’ – 338 mg / Dl. High cholesterol is in my family so I thought ‘well, that’s it, I’ll have to go on Statins’, which I didn’t want.

I called Barbara and she told me which foods to include and which to cut down on. She also worked on some underlying emotional reasons why I may have been producing too much cholesterol. I took her advice. I treated myself occasionally to ice cream or chocolate and enjoyed them all the more for not having them regularly.

After 5 months I had another cholesterol test and it had come down to below normal range -129 mg / Dl. The doctor was amazed and said it was perfect as my good cholesterol was within range. I was chuffed to bits and will continue the healthy way.

Barbara encouraged me along the way as I kept her posted of my progress. She really liked the feedback and has a genuine desire to help people to a healthy and happy life. There are more things she can help with other than cholesterol and I have only described my experience. I got to her every so often for a ‘balance’ to pick up on anything that might be ‘out of synch’ and she continues to help, advise and encourage me and I feel all the better for it!"

Jenny Knight, Mallorca

"I met Barbara and became very interested in her work and, over time, became curious to try a session for myself. The experience was extraordinary because of the way Barbara could access, analyze and treat a wide combination of physical, emotional, energetic imbalances, teaching me about my own body in the process, and finding natural, peaceful, ‘nourishing’ solutions.

Working with Barbara taught me a whole new way of approaching wellness by taking a global approach to the body, its energy and surroundings, to past events, current circumstances and much more. I became more aware of my body and how it works and learning to respect your body's inner 'knowledge' and necessary harmony.
The treatment was like an oasis in a sea of so-called ‘health’ where expensive treatments, long waiting lines, one-sided opinions, and a focus on the negative has become the norm. I deeply appreciated the natural approach, the learning, and the results obtained from our work together. It is natural, no guessing, and no chemicals, very soothing and feminine!

I have since recommended her work to clients of mine and, more recently, my own son who equally enjoyed what he learned and has felt much better ever since. I highly recommend Barbara’s work to anyone taking a holistic and education-based approach to total and lasting wellness. Dynamic Healing can resolve problems that western medicine cannot do as effectively, because people need to learn about their bodies and not delegate to a busy doctor and his many pills."

Tatiana Abend, Health and Wellness Coach, Founder, BodyVisionUSA

"I had been suffering from skin problems for a while and my eyes were swollen and puffy.
I really liked that we had a long talk at the beginning where you tried to learn as much as you could about my history way of life etc., which if you go to a conventional doctor never happens, they just prescribe you something without trying to find out what is wrong and if it does not work try the next thing. With you, however, I felt that you are really trying to get to the bottom of the problem, and not just fighting symptoms.

The treatment exceeded my expectations. After only one session I started seeing improvements, which is very fast and I got much better, without having to use any strong medication or anything like that. My skin was clear after three treatments.

It was a good, very helpful experience which also helped me to understand myself better. I could identify problems I had and reflect on my way of life, then by trying to reduce stress and change nutrition drastically reduced symptoms.

I would definitely recommend your services, because I think it is a very natural way of healing, and because it is a very individual treatment."

M. Seidel, Germany

"Barbara was very highly recommended to me by another client whom she had successfully treated. During my first consultation with her I quickly learnt that she is a very special therapist. With her profound ability she was able to make me laugh and put me at ease immediately. She was able to get to the root of my problem through the careful and precise attention she had given to my details and muscle testing.

Barbara has a vast, expansive and well-researched knowledge of the human body and many other therapies. This enabled her to combine several techniques which worked together to release energy in my body. After each treatment I felt mentally and physically energised. She is an exceptionally good and skilled therapist".

Gwendoline Davis. Reflexologist. UK

"I was suddenly scared of everything – scared of going out, scared and worried that someone may speak to me on the street – scared of even going over to a good friend’s house for dinner. Just a plain irrational fear and anxiety about everything.

A friend had used your services before and she spoke very highly of it. I was a bit sceptical but I was amazed at the speed and reaction of the body to emotions. I felt comfortable, as much as one can be when feeling petrified, I did not feel judged and was amazed at how quickly the therapy worked and got me on my feet again. I now am able to manage my fears, anxieties, and stress so they do not stop me from living.

It was a most unusual experience and one that cannot really be explained to anyone properly. It was a positive experience, it helped me and I would have no hesitation in recommending anyone else."

Tara Robinson, Mallorca

“Barbara is one of the rare persons who have an excellent empathy and intuition and is only interested in the requirement of her patients. Before I came to her I suffered from migraine, didn’t see clear in my relationship and didn’t know what my real aims are. After three treatments I’m rid of the migraine, I could come to a decision in my relationship and I am on my way to do the things I really want to do. Thanks a lot, Barbara!"

Bea Winter, Germany

"I sought Barbara’s help to sort out some hormonal problems and for allergy testing. It was a very supportive environment in which I was easily able to clear issues and stress which were contributing to my symptoms by releasing life long negative thought patterns. The treatment was very interesting and the techniques worked for me. I think it would be good for people who are having any problems. It was a very positive experience and I would highly recommend it to others."

L. Philpott, Mallorca

"Barbara was very empathic and she gently helped me identify the things that were causing me stress in my life resulting in a very bad case of psoriasis, which I’d had for many years. I hadn’t realised that I had been suffering from adrenal exhaustion until after the first treatment when for the first time in years I had a good night’s sleep. I started to learn to listen to my body and respect its needs, and the more I did, the better my skin became. The stress control techniques Barbara taught me are really working and I feel so much more relaxed now. Even better, I actually like the way I look now for the first time in many years."

S.Westly, Mallorca

"With you leading me through some simple but incredibly empowering visualisation techniques I manifested a phone call from a potential employer within minutes of the time I had visualised it happening....
I was ecstatic - not only because I was now going for an amazing job interview, but because I had just been given firm PROOF of my own personal power to manifest my dreams in a very practical way.  Thanks to you I no longer see the world as a place of random cause and effect, but as a reflection of my own inner reality - which I can shape and shift into the forms that most support and empower me.  The universe no longer seems like 'out there', it is part of me, and me of it... infinitely supportive.  Thank you Barbara."

Nicola Holden, Mallorca

"I can’t thank you enough for all your kindness and expertise, especially those times you drove me across the Bridge when working on my phobias. My life has changed dramatically since having treatment with you. From being unable to travel on public transport of any kind or even cross a bridge my phobias have finally been released. The icing on the cake has been that I flew for the first time to Italy and two years ago I finally made it to Australia- something I could have never have done without your help and commitment!"

C. Hodgkinson. UK

"Thank, thank you, thank you so much. Whatever you did, the weight has been lifted of my shoulders and I feel so good and not bothered at all even when I think about the problems. Slept really well last night, woke up this morning and just feel really positive."

B.R. Mallorca

"I had a series of treatments with Barbara and I really liked it. I love the direct and honest way Barbara guides you through the questions and later the testing. I also love the way my body gives me the answers hidden in myself and shown by the test methods Barbara uses.

For me it all was very helpful in the process I was in, recognizing my patterns and releasing my stuck emotions.
Thank you Barbara for you help, and when I need it again, I know where to find you."

Ellen Jacover, Mallorca

Thanks Barbara. I can feel a transformation and the techniques you did have worked and work when I do them on myself too. So a BIG THANK YOU TO YOU for teaching me how to do them!!!"

L.L. Mallorca


"I practiced the healing technique you taught me and within 3 days I was 100% healed! Most wonderful - this experience has allowed me to FEEL the healing power I have access to... I feel so empowered!"

Nicola Holden, Mallorca


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